Being a Member is fun and interesting!
What is the value of being a member of the Horned Lizard Conservation Society?
Non-members have to wait three months for the quarterly newsletter that a member would receive as the most recent. Your membership donation goes to paying for the newsletter printing and mailing, funding of research grants, conservation handout printing, and among other conservation activities. We toadally need your support!
Join today!
- By becoming a member you will receive the most recent quarterly newsletter Phrynosomatics which contains:
- Announcements of horned lizard population surveys and other events which you will be invited to attend (as an organization member only)
- Wildlife conservation event announcements where you can help educate others by handing out information and answering questions
- Recent scientific articles on horned lizard research
- Photos and stories, artwork, puzzles and interviews with scientists and field researchers.
- Also by becoming a member you would be eligible to join the private Facebook group member page where you can have special access to more recent and special news about the organization and horned lizard conservation
- And your membership dues help support and fund HLCS-awarded grants to help with horned lizard conservation
Non-members have to wait three months for the quarterly newsletter that a member would receive as the most recent. Your membership donation goes to paying for the newsletter printing and mailing, funding of research grants, conservation handout printing, and among other conservation activities. We toadally need your support!
Join today!